Do you own an object, letter, or photograph that would tell something of Bradford history? If so, we want to hear from you!
Bradford Historical Society collects items that can tell the stories of Bradford, local history, communities and its people, through donated artifacts. These donations often become part of our permanent collection and may be used for research or in an upcoming exhibit. Artifacts can be any number of items, including photographs, letters and postcards, clothing, and “everyday” objects, for examples.
If you own an object or item that you think would enhance the Bradford Historical Society collection then please email bradfordhistoricalsociety or stop by on a Saturday at the Tin Shop. You never know if what you have been saving in your closets, attics, or basements can help us tell the story of Bradford!
Amazon Smile Donations
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Just go to choose Bradford Historical Society as your charitable organization and follow the directions. Log in this way every time you shop and your donation will be automatically sent to the society quarterly. Every little helps!